ID Tech Augusta - Setup and User Guide

ID Tech Augusta - Setup and User Guide

System Requirements

  • Must use a PC or Mac running Windows operating system (Windows 7 or later). Cannot be used with Mac OS.
  • This installation allows users to process cards using the Augusta in Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Edge browsers. Additional steps required for Firefox setup.

Page Contents

Step 1: Installation Instructions

Step 2: Connecting the Terminal to the Plug-in

Processing Transactions

For assistance with troubleshooting, please refer to the link below or contact CMS Support

Online FAQ and Troubleshooting Guide:

Augusta - FAQ and Troubleshooting

CMS Support


801.623.4000 option 2


Click any image for a larger view.

Step 1: Installation Instructions 

Download and Install 

Click to download and run the installation package found here:CMSTerminalIntegrationServiceInstallerV2_1.08.7000.exe



Importing Certificate into Firefox 

If you are planning to use Firefox, follow these additional steps:

  1. In the Firefox settings menu, click on Options.
  2. Click on Privacy & Security, click Certificates. Then click View Certificates.
  3. Click on Authorities and click Import.
  4. Select the ca.crt in the CMS Terminal Integration Service folder and click Open.
  5. Check the boxes to trust the certificate and click OK.
  6. Once imported, click OK to finish.

Step 2: Connecting the Terminal to the Plug-in 

After completing the installation, follow the steps below to connect the terminal to the plug-in:

  1. Clear the browser cookies. For instructions on clearing cookies, use the following:
  2. Close and reopen the browser.
  3. Make sure to connect reader to USB port before you open the point of sale.
  4. In the point-of-sale, load the payment plug-in. Wait for the connection to be established. The first connection can take up to a minute. If the Chip button does not change within a minute, click the following link for troubleshooting instructions: Augusta - FAQ and Troubleshooting#FAQandTroubleshooting-chipgrayedout
  5. Once connected, the Chip button on the payment screen will become dark and clickable.
     Not Connected                  Connected
    h b
  6. Continue processing a transaction following instructions in the section below: Processing Transactions

Processing Transactions

Processing Transactions in the Plug-in 

Run card transactions by swiping, dipping (EMV/Chip), or keying in card information.

Manual/key entry 

  • Enter the card information. Fields will display a green check for valid entries. Fields will be highlighted in red for invalid entries.
  • Check "Remember Card?" to save the card to the customer vault for future one-time or recurring payments.
  • Click PAY to process a transaction.
  • Click More Options to print or email the receipt.


  • Click Chip
  • When prompted in the plug-in, insert or swipe the card to complete the transaction.
    • Swipe: To swipe the card, drag card horizontally through the front slot with the card's magnetic stripe facing the EMV slot. An LED light near the card slow shows blue when waiting to swipe, green for good read, and red if there is a swipe error.
    • EMV/Chip: The EMV slot will begin to blink when it is time to insert the card, turn solid during the transaction, then blink when it is time to remove the card. There is also a buzzer that will indicate when to remove the card.
  • Click More Options to print or email the receipt.

Using Multiple Terminals With One Key 

If the Slyce key is set up to have multiple terminals connected, follow the instructions below:

  1. Plug in the terminal to be used.
  2. Load the plug-in.
  3. You will be prompted to select the serial number from the back of the terminal in the displayed dropdown. Note that the serial number on your device will not include the preceding "A" or the colon (:).
  4. Click Proceed and continue with the transaction as normal.

If using a different terminal with the same computer, use the button pictured here to disconnect the current terminal and connect a different terminal. Note that unpairing the device will clear the browser cookies.

Once the terminal is unpaired, the user will again be prompted to select a serial number. After selecting the serial number, you may need to close and reopen Slyce plug-in to get the terminal to connect.

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